A 42 yrs old women clinical analysis

Presented by : Ranjeeth kumar reddy
Roll no : 119 ( 8th sem)

I have been given this case to solve in an attemot to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis"to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data icluding history,clinical findings,investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Lab reports - https://classworkdecjan.blogspot.com/2019/05/42-f-with-severe-regular-edema-with_17.html?m=1 for detailed lab reports. And more detailed history. 

 So, according to the history above the problems in order of priority I found are:
Swelling of the body
Left side going numb. 
Rash on face
Severe headaches
Sleep deprivation 

1.Swelling :  she's diagnosed as hemolytic anemia patient, G6PD deficiency can cause congestive heart failure which could be the cause of shortness of breath  and kidney failure due to which probably she might have developed swelling and fatigue due to oxidative stress.Shortness of breath can be even caused due to hiatus hernia. G6pd deficiency G6pd catalyzed the rate limiting step in pentose phosphate pathway and generates NADPH which in turn produce glutathione which protects against oxidative stress.  Generally such patients develop congenital hyperbilirubinemia and may be this patient had jaundice at her birth.  Triggering factors include: fava beans hence after consumption she had even more swelling and increased bp ,drugs like sulfonamides and antimalarials. and since she has decreased nadph and ATP she has loss of ions. Decreased urination and facial edema. 
Investigations done:
Complete blood count -anemia 
Ast and alt -increased 
Chest-x-ray-left atrial enlargement
Ecg -right heart enlargement
Investigations recommended:
Lactate dehrogenase (ldh) level
Serum haptoglobin level 
Peripheral blood smear
Treatment- she has taken cimetidine to reduce her swelling. It has worked but she developed sweating after its use. Ribose taken to reduce fatigue as it helps in production of ATP. 
My recommended treatment-remove the underlying cause. If required blood transfusion and oxygen therapy to be given. 

2.Rash - since she's diagnosed as behcets syndrome patient ,due to the autoimmunity towards the blood vessel it leads to vasculitis which includes development of rash, blurred vision (which probably explains failed lasik)
Triggering factors -stress, menstruation, other skin and oral trauma can aggravate the symptoms. 
Diagnosis - by signs and symptoms 
Recommended -pathergy test or skin prick test. 

3.sleep disturbances - 
G6pd deficiency impairs glycolysis metabolism hence there's decreased formation of glycine. 
Treatment -L-serine which acts like glycine and induces sleep after which the patient has improved the timing of her sleep. 

4.Headaches(migraines with Aura) 
The exact cause of migraine is to be evaluated. It is associated with Aura and left sided numbness , mild memory loss, stuttering of speech and nausea and vomiting. 
Differential diagnosis - 
Secondary headache - transient ischaemic attacks
Giant cell arteritis
Toxic and metabolic causes
Brain neoplasms
Thunderclap headache 
Csf pressure related secondary headaches
Probable investigations 
Csf analysis 
CT scan 
MRI of brain
Treatment taken:
Triptamines ,Nattokinase which has brought great change in her symptoms. 
Treatment recommended:
Suggest her to stay in a dark room. 
Avoid triggering factors like drugs, stress. etc and advice treatment of triptans , Acetaminophen, ergots and antiemetics.

5.Oliguriait is probably believed to be caused due to oxidative stress occurring in G6PD deficiency  which explains reduced NADPH production and loss of ions causing decreased urination associated with dark color urine
Other causes of oliguria:
Physical trauma
Investigations recommended:
Urine output 
Urine examination
Ultrasound /CT abdomen
Blood tests 
Treatment recommended: 
Increase fluid intake
If infections -treat with antimicrobials
Diuretics (but no influence on the patient) 

Evaluation as to why patient developed left side numbness is to be done. 
